Information on replacement bins for Haringey residents
How much does a new bin cost?
If your bin is lost, stolen or damaged a replacement bin costs £35.
Why is there now a charge for this service?
The Council has to make significant financial savings. It was felt that by handling waste differently the Council could make vital savings while still providing a robust service. This means more of the Council’s remaining resources will be able to go into other essential areas, such as adult social care, libraries and children’s services.
What bins are covered by this charge?
All wheeled bins are covered - non-recyclable waste bins, recycling bins and the new garden waste bins. Please note that food waste caddies and food waste bins are not covered by this charge. If you need a replacement food waste caddy or bin these are still replaced free of charge.
What size bin can I have?
We can give you the same size bin as you already had, with the exception of a 360 litre bin. We are no longer able to supply these. Instead we can send an Outreach Officer to visit your property and assess your requirements so we can provide you with suitable capacity.
I want a different sized bin to the one that was lost/stolen/damaged – is this possible?
Unless there is a strong reason for a different size bin, or if the bin you previously had was a 360 litre bin which we now no longer supply, you will need to use the same size bin as before. We may send an Outreach Officer to visit your property and assess your requirements so we can provide you with suitable capacity. The charge for all bins is the same.
How can I pay for this service?
We accept all major credit and debit cards with the exception of American Express.
I don’t have a credit/debit card, how else can I make payment?
You can pay by cheque. You will need to make a cheque payable to Veolia and send it into the Veolia Contact Centre, Watermead Way Depot, Watermead Way, London N17 0FJ. Please note that your bin will be delivered up to five working days after the cheque has been cleared.
How quickly will I receive my replacement bin?
We will deliver your bins within five working days after we receive your payment. While you are waiting for your bin, please store your rubbish and recycling responsibly or take it to our recycling centre at Western Road, Wood Green. For alternative North London centres visit:
Can I spray/sticker/paint my property number on my replacement bin?
Yes, we encourage you to mark your bin with your property number.
I need a replacement bin but I also feel I need more capacity – can I have an additional bin?
We will discuss this with you and our Outreach Team may visit your property and assess your requirements to ensure you have suitable capacity. Additional non-recyclable waste bins will only be granted in exceptional circumstances, for example, if you have more than five adults in permanent residence, two or more children in nappies, or offensive (and uninfectious) hygiene waste.
What happens if it’s the collection crew that lose or damage my bin?
The collection crew will report any instances of bins being damaged or falling into the waste truck. We will then replace your lost or damaged bin free of charge within five working days. Please note that if the crew have not reported any loss or damage then you will be liable for the cost of replacing the bin.
Do I need to be at home when the replacement bin is delivered?
No we will deliver your bin to your property and you do not need to be at home to receive it.
If I move within the borough can I take my bin with me?
If you are moving within Haringey please let us know. We will collect your bin and deliver another to
your new address.
I live in rented accommodation – what should I do?
Please speak with your landlord and ask them to contact us.
What advice can you give to prevent my bin getting lost or stolen in the future?
Please consider the following:
- labelling your bin
- putting your bin out on the morning of your collection, rather than the night before
- having your bin brought in as soon as possible after collection (your neighbour may be able help)
Will you repair a damaged bin?
If you report a bin as being damaged we will not repair it but instead will supply you with a new bin for the £35 fee.